23. Januar 2025
Climate Change & Cities: Open Competitive Tenders Launched
Two New City Research Calls On Urban Resilience To Climate Change Using Earth Observation Data
The European Space Agency (ESA) invites eligible organisations to respond to two open research calls aimed at advancing urban resilience to climate change through the application of Earth observation data. These research initiatives target city-level climate impacts, risks, and response options, aligning with the upcoming IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities (SRCCC).
Cities and urban environments are severely impacted by, but also drivers of, climate change. Urban infrastructure, including transportation, water, sanitation and energy systems have been compromised by extremes and slow-onset climate events, such as flooding or sea level rise. Heat waves have intensified in cities due to climate change, where they have also worsened air pollution events and limited functioning of key infrastructure. Often, those most impacted by climate change are concentrated amongst economically and socially marginalised urban residents, with progress towards resilience far off track for most cities in Low and Middle Income Countries. As a result, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has confirmed that their seventh assessment cycle will include a Special Report on Climate Change and Cities, to be published in March 2027. The scoped outline demonstrates that the report will cover wide-ranging topics that link to Earth observation. Research funded through these calls aims to demonstrate direct relevance to this report.
- CLIMATE-SPACE: Climate Change and Cities Activity
This Invitation to Tender focuses on pre-operational research utilising, in particular, Essential Climate Variable data records developed via ESA’s Climate Change Initiative to study urban-climate interactions, with an emphasis on adaptation and mitigation strategies. The activity is part of ESA's CLIMATE-SPACE programme (2023–2029). The proposal submission deadline is19/02/2025 13:00:00 CET.05/03/2025 13:00:00 CET - ESA & Future Earth Joint Call: Climate Change and Cities in low and middle-income countries. In collaboration ESA and Future Earth, this call is focused on understanding climate impacts and risks, and improvements in urban resilience relating to climate challenges in low and middle-income countries. Applicants from Future Earth's Global Research Networks are invited to apply to conduct 18-month studies. Proposals should emphasise a trans-disciplinary approach, clear scientific goals, and practical impact. The proposal submission deadline is 28 February 2025.
More detail below
Tender Action Number: 1-12660 — Activity Number: 1000042245
A new European Space Agency (ESA) procurement studying Climate Change and its interactions with Cities is the subject of an open competitive Invitation To Tender (ITT) by the ESA Climate and Long-Term Action Division. This procurement will explore the application of remote sensing data, in particular the use of climate data records generated within the ESA CCI Essential Climate Variable projects, to support studies on cities and urban environments and their interactions with climate change. The Tender is part of the ESA CLIMATE-SPACE programme and is available via esastar. The closing date for proposal submissions is 19/02/2025 13:00:00 CET. 05/03/2025 13:00:00 CET
This enhanced focus on the role of cities in climate change demonstrates the need for pre-operational research and development studies that aim to develop, demonstrate, and eventually transfer methods / products to operational climate service providers to support further action on mitigating and managing climate change. The objective of the ESA CLIMATE SPACE: Climate and Cities Activity is to advance our understanding of city-level climate impacts, risks and climate response options, for example, their identification, monitoring, quantification, and potential for impact/risk reduction, supported by the application of Earth Observation data. It will assess past, present and/or future climate impacts and risks (such as mean climate trends, climate extreme events, or slow onset climate changes) across different cities, or develop techniques to monitor adaptation or mitigation response options to climate change on the city scale.
CLIMATE-SPACE (Climate Observations and Monitoring for Policy Action Support from Space) was proposed to ESA Member States for the period of 2023 to 2029. The aim of CLIMATE-SPACE is to perform the R&D necessary to maximise the value of information from European satellite infrastructure in supporting Member States’ needs, in collaboration with partner space agencies. A CLIMATE-SPACE Information Day (10th May 2023) briefing recording and presentation slides are available, including an overview of ESAs competitive procurement process.
ESA-Match is ESA's industry matchmaking tool. The platform supports the visibility of entities registered with ESA, facilitates partnering, teaming and cooperation. Aside from the searchable space industry directory, esa-match offers features such as a marketspace which lets companies and organisations advertise offers and needs, and a B2B area which enables users to send messages to other entities via the tool.
For further details and to respond to this open competitive tender visit ESA esastar: https://esastar-publication-ext.sso.esa.int/ESATenderActions/details/141401
The European Space Agency (ESA) and Future Earth have launched an open call for proposals under their joint program, targeting Earth observation (EO) studies on climate change and cities in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). With urban populations expected to rise by 2 billion by 2050, the initiative aims to enhance urban resilience and support the upcoming IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities (SRCCC).
The call seeks proposals that advance understanding of city-level climate impacts and risks, or the development of techniques to monitor adaptation and/or mitigation responses to climate change at city scale. Projects can apply for funding of €20,000 to €30,000, for a study duration of 18 months, with 3-4 awards expected to be awarded. Members of Future Earth's Global Research Networks (GRNs) based in research institutes are invited to apply. Proposals will be evaluated on their transdisciplinary approach, scientific contribution, feasibility, impact, and cost-effectiveness.
Proposals should be 4-5 A4 pages, excluding CVs, and include a 250-word abstract, problem statement, science plan, expected outcomes, participant CVs, financial support required, and a letter of support from a GRN and confirmation that the lead applicant’s institute can administer the project budget. The submission deadline is 28 February, 2025, with awarded projects notified by 25 March 2025. For more information, visit the Future Earth website or contact Sophie Hebden sophie.hebden@futureearth.org.