

Combining satellite-derived data records of Essential Climate Variable (ECV) holds significant potential for enhancing assessment and understanding of the complex interactions shaping the Earth system.

The European Space Agency has commissioned several cross-ECV projects that exploit the suite of satellite data records developed through the European Space Agency’s Climate Change Initiative. These R&D projects address critical knowledge gaps identified by the international science community (including the World Climate Research Programme, Global Climate Observing System and IPCC) and are of direct relevance to IPCC climate assessments.

Im Rahmen des Programms Klimawandel-Initiative (CCI) der Europäischen Weltraumorganisation gibt es 26 wesentliche Klimavariablen-Projekte (ECVs). Informationen über die einzelnen ECVs, einschließlich ihrer Ziele, Teammitglieder, Nachrichten, Dokumentation, Daten und mehr, finden Sie bei den unten aufgeführten Projekten.



The Arctic Freshwater Budget (ARCFRESH) project aims to enhance knowledge of Arctic freshwater processes by maximising the use of EO-derived datasets from the ESA Climate Change Initiative

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Examining the socio-ecohydrological connections between people, water, and forests in the Mediterranean, using ESA Climate Change Initiative data records to explore the impacts of aGricultural Land AbandoNment and ClimatE change

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A project MOnitoring The Energy Cycle for a better UnderStanding Of cliMate chAnge (MOTECUSOMA) by harnessing ESA Climate Change Initiative satellite data records

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SATellite observations to improve our understanding of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions and associated Radiative Forcing using satellite data records generated by the ESA Climate Change

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Gaining a holistic understanding of extreme fires and their impact in the Earth system using satellite data records generated by the ESA Climate Change Initiative

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